LCM™ cfDNA and ctDNA Monitoring
- TimepointDx LCM™ was implemented to demonstrate the value of disease screening and identification coupled to therapeutic drug monitoring of disease progression.
- Cell-free DNA (cfDNA), which includes circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), were confirmed for collection and stable recovery in upper arm capillary blood collection devices in less than 500 ul of blood with high concentrations.
- Fragment sizing of cfDNA ranges from 50-300bp, with 150 bp as average. Sizing of ctDNA included the range of cfDNA plus expanding up to 500-1000bp in some samples.
- WES was conducted on isolated cfDNA in both spiked and non-spiked samples, with applications related to NIPT/NIPS and oncology-related pathogenic variants.
- Identification of aneuploidies, carrier screening, oncogenic variants, and tracking of specific variants were all confirmed in diseased and spiked samples in a blinded and randomized sample set.
- Changes in variants from longitudinal timepoints were confirmed in cfDNA analysis via TimepointDx LCM™, suggesting heterogeneity and successive clonal evolution of oncogenic drivers.
- TimepointDx LCM™ enables monitoring of cfDNA and ctDNA in investigational biomarker programs and within prenatal/OBGYN applications.
See White Paper for Details.