- LCM QSP™: Longitudinal Capillary Multiomics with Quantitative Systems Pharmacology™
- Patient-specific CSCR™ followed by LCM™ was deployed for modeling and simulation (M&S) for quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) to understand drug mechanism of action (MoA), in vitro physiology and putative clinical outcomes.
- Proximal PK and PD effects for novel pharma screened assets were computationally derived via LCM QSP™ for preclinical and discovery stages to support promising and optimal lead selection.
- Preclinical models start with patient-specific capillary blood collections via LCM™, whereby downstream computational PKPD and QPS modeling occurs via CSCR™.
- Preclinical in vitro LCM QPS™ models calculate risks and assumptions that can translate to FIH data.
- PKPD assessments for dose-finding, safety, efficacy, MoA, therapeutic index, and toxicity windows can be modeled beforehand for patient-specific in vitro predictions.
- Simulation for putative doses, mechanistic modeling, and safety and efficacy effects for potential AEs can be predicted.
*Currently under R&D.