Reprogramming cPBMCs into iPSCs
- Human capillary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (cPBMCs) were isolated from microsample capillary whole blood collections with an efficiency rate greater than 150,000-500,000 PBMCs per 100 ul of blood (up to 2+ million PBMCs per LCM™ collection).
- Transduction of cPBMCs was successful via integration-free, non-transmissible vectors to produce both proliferative and quiescent states with a high transduction efficiency and a low multiplicity of infection.
- cPBMCs were successfully reprogrammed via custom Yamanaka factors to produced induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
- Expression of transgenes were detectable as early as 6-10 hours after transduction, with maximum expression detected more than 24 hours after transduction.
- The vectors and transgenes were eliminated from the cells, yielding zero footprint.
- Transduction of cPBMCs did not produce any infectious particles by the transduced cells (safe and non-infectious vectors of humans).
- Subsequent aliquots were created and stored for re-culture, with portions in continuous passage (experiments ongoing).
- Initial LCM™ assay and analysis on passages demonstrated successful reprogramming events of pre- and post-timepoints of the transduction timeline (15 timepoints spanning 25 days).
See White Paper for Details.