A Better Way for PCPs to Monitor "N"
What is "N"? It's a PCP's practice population. Healthcare is best assessed at community levels. Primary care providers are the first line of preventive defense and more impactful in health than secondary and tertiary care. TimepointDx is aiding PCP practices with value-based preventive diagnostics via LCM™.
Longitudinal Capillary Multiomics™ for Primary Care Providers
Disease-specific and Episode-based LCM™ Model
Rare diseases, chronic diseases, infectious disease and oncology. Communicable and non-communicable. LCM™ address deficits in primary care for a defined population with a specific shared disease or medical condition, procedure, or care episode. PCPs gain more patient-specific disease intelligence from multiple longitudinal timepoints via LCM™.
Accountable Care and Alternative Payments LCM™ Model
LCM™ enables a primary care doctor, group of primary health care providers or primary care hospital system to incentivize preemptive health and preventive diagnostics for improving the overall quality of care, including advanced primary care services, care coordination and health outcomes for a defined group of patients, thereby reducing care fragmentation and unnecessary costs for patients and the health system. LCM™ enables robust patient-centric screening with active surveillance for primary care.
State and Community-Based LCM™ Model
LCM™ enables a state or community-based organization for high-throughput and scalable population-based screening and monitoring. LCM™ is a preventive diagnostic tool for public health initiatives.
Health Plan LCM™ Model
LCM™ can generate population-based risk assessments for health plan providers. LCM™ is a patient-specific incentivizing tool for active longitudinal monitoring of primary health to identify any risks proactively before it reaches secondary/tertiary care.
Statutory Demonstrations
LCM™ is intended to lower healthcare costs by identifying primary care issues BEFORE it enters secondary/tertiary stages. This enables reduction of healthcare spend via better biomarker surveillance in primary care. By insituting LCM™ as standard of practice in PCP settings, the number of avoided cases that were identified early as a result of LCM™ is equivalent to the cost-savings of early intervention in proactive primary care (as opposed to reactive secondary/tertiary care).
Longitudinal Biomarker Surveillance for PCPs
Genetics and Genomics
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) at unprecedented coverage and throughput from a capillary blood sample.
High-throughput gene expression analysis of the entire human transcriptome for differential gene expression and clustering analysis from the same capillary blood sample.
1000+, 3072+, 5400+, 7000+, or 11000+ proteins. Standardized proteomics data captured from the same capillary blood sample.
The HARMON Trial
LCM™ for PCPs is under research investigation via the HARMON trial. Learn more about how your PCP practice and patient-population can enroll and benefit from early identification and disease surveillance in our patient-centric decentralized trial.